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Course 2 – Manager



Course for the manager in charge of work notification 

You will receive training in the theoretical platform necessary to be able to fulfil the role of responsible for work notification, in a responsible manner.


Target group: 

Employees who will have the role of responsible for work notification, or site manager at larger facilities where the sign authority requires "Course 2".

The role includes responsibility for:  

  • Apply for a work notification plan. 
  • Have a dialogue with the sign authority. 
  • Understand and implement decisions on work notification with associated conditions. 


Must be fluent in spoken and written Norwegian. 


Certificate of competence: 

You can have the role of responsible for work notification, or site manager at larger facilities where the sign authority requires "Course 2". 

If you have a certificate of competence for "Course 2", you do not need "Course 1".

