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Diisocyanates Part 1



New regulations require that everyone who works with products containing diisocyanates must undergo training by 24 August 2023.

The course takes place as mixed teaching. The first part of the course is taken as games developed by FIDL according to current laws and regulations. The second part is conducted as a webinar after a requirement for oral discussion.

The course has been developed together with Medco dinHMS.

Target group:

The target group for the course is anyone who uses diisocyanates and diisocyanate-containing mixtures and products in professional or industrial businesses, and those who supervise this type of work. The requirement applies to employers, employees and the self-employed.

Participant prerequisites:

It is assumed that participants have experience related to the use of diisocyanates and diisocyanate-containing mixtures and products in professional or industrial establishments, as well as participants who supervise this type of work.

Learning objectives:

The participant should be able to account for the acquired knowledge and through it be able to recognize

  • what diisocyanates are, and be aware of how the new requirements can be sanctioned
  • the chemical diisocyanate, and identify hazards and risks associated with exposure
  • various symptoms and health risks associated with types of exposure to diisocyanates
  • the needs of their own business and provide expert advice on risk assessments and evaluation of preventive measures
  • choose and use the right protective equipment based on established external and internal requirements
  • and participate in work processes in their own business related to emergencies and first aid

and understand situations that may arise in the company in the process of evaluating working conditions and preventing work-related health problems, illness and injuries

Course content:

  • What are diisocyanates
  • Information about and labeling of chemicals
  • The health hazards of diisocyanates
  • Risk assessments
  • Preventive measures
  • Emergencies and first aid
  • Assistance to businesses
